Point to the ID of the picture and click left mouse button. You will be prompted to save file. Save it and extract from zip-archive;
Loading mIRC-picture:
Run mIRC. Open main menu and choose Tools->Scripts Editor... (or Remote... or Remote scripts...)
When window appears, choose File->Load... or File->Load->Script... Choose path/file name of desired picture and click Open button.
If query pop-up window appears after you choose the picture file then click Yes.
The selected picture will be loaded into your mIRC-client program within a few seconds. Click OK.
Playing of mIRC-picture:
Click right mouse button anywhere in blank space of channel window (or query window). When context pop-up menu appears, choose ecolora->group->picture name.
If you encounter any problem with picture loading, please mail to ecolora@mail.ru
If you likes these pictures you can transfer some e-gold to my account 1653331.